Friday, July 30, 2010


Friends. A pretty essential thing in every persons life. Friends are those who you can trust, those you can tell anything to, and those that accept you for who you are. They don’t try to force you into doing something you don’t want to or judge you for the way you do things. In the past, I have always been changing what I wear, the things I say, and the activities I partake in just to seek approval of someone or the group of people I’m hanging out with. This is what many people face on a day to day basis. But do we honestly need to fit in? Aren’t we taught growing up that its okay to be different? If this is the case why are people so pushy for others to conform to their ways?

This past semester I found myself around a new group of friends. I had never been a huge drinker or partier, but that’s what this group did. They went out every weekend and stay out until the sun came up. I thought to myself well these people seem to be having an awesome time, they want me to come with, okay I’ll give it a try. So I did. I became a huge partier, often going out 4 or 5 times a week. To people on the outside I probably seemed pretty happy, but on the inside I knew this wasn’t me. The excessive partying was definitely taking a tole on my mental and physical health. I could see myself slowly spinning out of control. I didn’t think much of it though because my “new” friends were seeming to finally accept me. I’m not saying that these people are terrible or anything for pushing me to party, I’m just saying that’s not who I am. To some people partying and socializing is fits well with their personality and that’s fine. But that didn’t fit well with who I am.

When summer started, I knew things had to change. My new friends had gone home and I was living on campus for the summer. The summer crew was here. These were people I had known but not really been close to. I didn’t know how things would turn out with them but, the people I have met this summer have become super inspiring to me. They may not all be my best friends, but each of them have influenced me whether they know it or not. They accept who I am and respect the decisions I make. They don’t push me to do the things they are doing or what looks “cool”. I think the greatest thing I have learned this summer is your real friends are the ones that encourage you to become the person you really want to be. they aren't the people who slow you down or try to make you someone you're not. I can go out with all of them and not feel pressured to do things I don’t want to.

I think this is what people need more of. Positive friendships. Not fake friendships based on materialistic things. You shouldn’t feel like you need to impress anyone in order to gain their approval. Real friends make you happy, make you want to be a better person, and encourage you to reach your potential. They don’t destroy you, knock you down, or make you feel bad about your decisions. I definitely believe this is one of the greatest summer’s I have ever had because I get by with a little help from my friends

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